Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors typically use a variety of manual treatments, and spinal manipulation is only one such technique. Furthermore, the word 'manipulation' is simply an umbrella term that describes a range of joint mobilisations. It is not a 'one size fits all' modality, and all techniques are graded according to the tissue integrity of the patient. Such considerations include the connective tissues that we directly address, as well as potential complications of the vasculature.
Chiropractors are trained to locate areas where spinal stress occurs, through a thorough examination of the spine. Soft tissue massage and specific spinal adjustments then help to reduce the irritation in the nervous system. This aids your body to heal and regulate itself naturally.
A registered chiropractor in Australia must have studied an accredited 5-year University education program. Chiropractic spinal adjustments are internationally recognised and considered safe and effective for all, young and old.
What type of therapies do chiropractors use?
Modern chiropractors are taught a wide variety of therapies and techniques. In addition to assessing and treating the spine, we also assess and treat peripheral joints, such as shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.
When tailoring a specific treatment plan to suite your needs, our chiropractors may use a range of techniques in addition to joint adjustments and mobilisations including (but not limited to) stretching, strengthening, rehabilitation, electrotherapy modalities, nutritional support, specific muscular releases and traction.
By addressing musculoskeletal issues through a number of modalities, we are able to utilise a wide variety of therapeutic modalities to cater for individual your needs.

Common chiropractic conditions
Headaches affect a lot of people and can be very debilitating. Because headaches are so common, most people think that getting a headache is a normal part of life. This is simply not true.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is recognised as one of the most common reasons for referrals to medical practitioners, and accounts for a large proportion of missed days at work. In fact, research suggests that up to eighty percent of people will experience back pain at some stage of their lives.
Shoulder Pain
The shoulder allows the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. This is due to the four tendons which stabilise the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket. This great range of motion, however, tends to make us susceptible to shoulder pain.
Sports Injuries
There are a number of conditions that can result from playing sports. A variety of muscles, joints and ligaments are used when involved in active play, all of which can be affected by strain from overuse, trauma, or not being properly warmed and cooled down.
As many new mothers can attest, the muscle strains of pregnancy are very real and can be more than just a nuisance. A combination of factors may result in severe discomfort, particularly in the lower back.
Neck Pain
Neck pain and its related problems can become incapacitating for sufferers. Millions of people will experience neck pain at some point in their life.
Maintaining a correct posture can have a variety of effects on your body. One’s posture can show a lot about the position and condition of the spine, including any spinal misalignments, scoliosis, and risks of back and neck pain.
Knee Injuries
Knee pain is one of the most common ailments of the musculoskeletal system. There is a large range of problems that can affect the knee, as the knee joint is one of the most-used joints in the body.
People tend to associate whiplash with car accidents. But did you know that whiplash can also be caused by sports injuries or work accidents?
Sciatica starts in the lower back and extends down into one or both legs. It tends to affect those in their forties and fifties. Our chiropractors are uniquely skilled to evaluate and reduce the most common causes of sciatica nerve pain.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition where the median nerve which travels through the wrist is being compressed, causing pain and numbness in the hand. The median nerve, or carpal tunnel, contains a bundle of tendons that control finger movement. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome stems from prolonged repetitive use of this nerve.
Disc Injuries
The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae which are separated by discs that act like shock absorbers. Discs are made of very tough cartilage, with a soft, jelly-like fluid inside. The discs between your vertebrae allow the flexibility of motion in the spine. The discs also allow an exit and entry point for spinal nerves that carry messages to the brain and body.
Chiropractic for all
School Children
Kids will be kids, which can often lead to falls and tumbles and resultant musculoskeletal strain. Even “growing pains” are often simple treatable hip or pelvic problems that can result in muscular aches and pains. School bags are cause for great concern. Managing the size and weight of the bag is vital for ensuring your child’s spine is correctly aligned and not over worked.
During the teenage years there is rapid growth. As teenagers finish growing and begin turning into adults the bone structure is maturing and the growth plates are closing. It is important that the body is in its optimal functioning at this stage to prevent any long term problems.
Many aspects of an adult’s life place high demands on our spines. Whether it is work ergonomics with long hours at a computer, lifting a baby in and out of the car seat, every day strains can accumulate into a larger problem down that track. We can help you with ergonomics in your workplace to ensure your body can withstand the postural stresses and strains involved in a working week. Those with outdoor active jobs have to maintain strength in their spine and muscular system and adopt safe working practices that Chiropractic can help to provide.
As you head into retirement life gives you a lot more time to go out and do the things you love. Continuing regular chiropractic care during your adult years and into retirement can maintain your function, movement and quality of life. Arthritis is a condition most people think of when they think of aging. Degeneration occurs in many people but this process can be better managed by keeping your spine and body functioning properly.
Workplace Accidents
If you have been injured at work you need to get the right treatment as soon as possible. Getting the right treatment for injuries sustained via workplace accidents is vitally important to getting you out of pain and back to leading a normal life sooner. When you have an injury at work it doesn’t just affect your work life, but it can have devastating effects on your family as well. That’s why it is important to make an appointment to see us as soon as an injury has occurred. In addition, work cover claims tend to run smoother if you take action close to the time of your workplace accident.
How long will I need a chiropractic for?
The answer to this question will differ for every person. A comprehensive assessment from your Chiropractor is required in order to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. The amount of time it takes to be symptom free will also depend on a number of factors. Examples of factors that may influence the time taken for symptoms to resolve include:
• The severity of your condition.
• The tissue that is damaged – e.g. the tendon of a muscle will be slower to heal than the interior of the muscle due to having a poorer blood supply.
• The length of time you have had the condition.
• Age – Generally as you get older, your rate of recovery will decline.
• Trauma or accidents – past or present.
• Smoking – Decreases the rate of healing.
• Nutrition – The healthier your diet, the more fuel there is available for repairing your tissues.
• Stress – High-stress levels can slow recovery.
• Posture – Poor postural habits place increased stress on ligaments and muscles and can not only slow recovery, but also can be a major cause of symptoms.
• Occupation – Your occupation may involve activities that aggravate your condition, e.g. lifting or sitting for extended periods.